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L’ecosistema delle comunicazioni satellitari sta attraversando una trasformazione radicale guidata dall’emergere di megacostellazioni satellitari in orbita bassa terrestre. SpaceX, con la sua costellazione Starlink che ha superato i 5.000 satelliti operativi, ha catalizzato un cambiamento paradigmatico nel settore. Amazon con Project Kuiper, OneWeb, e la cinese GalaxySpace stanno similmente sviluppando costellazioni LEO di grande scala, ..

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In a feature published Thursday, Costco Chairman Hamilton “Tony” James told Chief Executive Magazine that even though he’s been on Costco’s board for 36 years, he still loves attending the meetings. “I find it fascinating,” James said in the Q&A. “The company is a great window on what’s going in the world of consumers, what ..

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Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In our most recent The CEO Series episode, we filmed the CEO of Tanium, Dan Streetman. In an era where cyber threats are ever-changing and growing more sophisticated, Tanium is leading the charge to fortify organizations against digital attacks. A former U.S. Army Ranger and experienced executive, ..

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