Design an app prototype to win a trip to Adobe Max 2018 in LA

  Creative, News, Rassegna Stampa

Create a prototype of an app that highlights the best of where you live, and you could win an a paid trip to Los Angeles for two for the always-inspiring Adobe Max conference.

Adobe recently gave you three free sets of vector icons created by leading designers – and now we want to see just what you can do with them. Use Adobe XD – the next-gen UX design software – to create a prototype of a Creative City app that showcases the best of what your city (or town) has to offer and you could be leaving there in October to jet off to the Adobe Max 2018 conference in Los Angeles. Plus there are 10 other prizes of Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions and Adobe Stock images.

How to win

To win this Creative City contest, you’ll need to find the best way to help people find and reach the most inspiring places near you.

Ask yourself, who are you trying to reach and what do you want to tell them about? Are you looking to inspire creatives from elsewhere to visit your city, or reveal hidden places to those who already live there? Will your concept revolve around a mode of transport, a feeling or a need. Be as broad as you like, or narrow your focus to fulfil the needs of people with particular requirements. And through all this, ask yourself “will this be genuinely useful and helpful” to your ideal user.

Then think about how it will work and look, and start building your prototype in Adobe XD. You’ll need to use at least five icons from one of Adobe’s sets – as designed by Anton & Irene, Büro Destruct, and Lance Wyman – which should help inspire the aesthetic of your prototype.

This contest was inspired by Anton & Irene’s Urban Walks app, a personal project by the design duo that provides unique walks around their current home of NYC for both visitors and local. Make sure you download the app and explore how it works; you certainly shouldn’t copy it, but rather be inspired by how it guides you through its interface to make finding the perfect walk an easeful experience.

You can watch Anton & Irene’s tips for the contest below.

Adobe XD tips and tutorials

If you’ve not used Adobe XD before – or even if you have and want to learn more – check out these Adobe XD tips and tutorials.

Getting started

The first things you’ll need – after a great idea – are Adobe XD and the free icon sets. If you have an all-apps subscription to Creative Cloud, you can download Adobe XD from your Adobe Creative Cloud app on your Mac or PC (just remember to check for updates so you’ve got the latest version).

If you have a single-app subscription or Photography Bundle, you can download a fully-working trial of Adobe XD from your Adobe Creative Cloud app. Otherwise, you can download a trial version here.

Next download the icon sets here and get creating.

How to enter

Once your prototype is complete, publish images and a written description of it on Adobe’s portfolio site, Behance. Make sure you include the tag #IconContestXD so the judges can find it, plus the Adobe tools you used to make it.

If you have an all-apps subscription – or one to Adobe XD – then you can include a link to an online version of your prototype. Discover how here.

Lastly, if you’re on Twitter, share a link to your prototype’s Behance page, using the hashtag #IconContestXD

The deadline…

… is March 15 at 10.59pm UK time (11.59pm CET, or in the US 5.59pm ET, 4.59pm CST and 3.59pm PT) . So you’ve got enough time to create something great, but it’s near enough you should get cracking.

The winners!

The winners will be picked by icon designers Anton & Irene, Büro Destruct, and Lance Wyman – plus Adobe’s Michael Chaize – and announced on March 27. To find out if you’ve won, follow Adobe XD on Twitter or Facebook.

The prizes

The top prize is a paid trip for two to Los Angeles for the Adobe Max 2018 conference. You’ll also get a year’s subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud and 100 Adobe Stock images.

10 further winners will get a year’s Adobe Creative Cloud and 50 Adobe Stock images.

Icons designed by Büro Destruct.

Terms and conditions are here. Please note that this competition is run by Adobe. IDG assumes no responsibility for how the competition is run, nor availability, makeup or distribution of prizes.