Digital Advertising Set for Double-Digit Growth in Retail Media, CTV, and Social

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

Issues still persist. Buyers remain concerned about deduplication, incrementality, and measurement, especially in video streaming.

Interstingly, when ADWEEK recently asked TV insiders and experts about which topics would dominate the TV industry in 2025, measurement was consistently top of mind.

The majority of buyers are using or exploring AI in media planning and activation

The inclusion of generative AI in media planning has been growing, with around 80% of buyers using (42%) or exploring (36%) the technology for media planning and/or activation, according to the IAB report. Half of users are already pushing for mandatory human oversight and clear brand safety protocols to protect against misuse, inaccuracies, and other risks.

“Thoughtful buyer optimism is always a good way to start the year,” Cohen added. “And the smartest way for the industry to keep that alive is to give advertisers the transparency, choice, and business results they’re looking for. The market waits for no one—we must keep pushing forward.”

The full 2025 Outlook: A Snapshot into Ad Spend, Opportunities, and Strategies for Growth report can be found here.

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