In view of this process, we help you answer the following questions.
3 min read
This June 6, the intermediate federal elections will be held in Mexico.
Looking ahead to this process, we will answer some of the most common questions.
What is voting this June 6?
As reported by the National Electoral Institute (INE) , this June 6 will vote for:
- 500 federal deputies for the Congress of the Union
- 15 governorships
- 30 local congresses
- 1,900 town halls and municipal boards
What would each state in the country choose?
In alphabetical order:
- Aguascalientes: 27 councils and 11 city councils
- Baja California: Governor, 25 councils and 5 municipalities
- Baja California Sur: Governor, 21 councils and 5 city councils
- Campeche: Governor, 35 councils, 13 city councils and 22 municipal councils
- Chiapas: 40 councils and 124 municipalities
- Chihuahua: Governor, 33 councils, 67 municipalities and 67 receiverships
- Mexico City: 66 councils and 16 mayors’ offices
- Coahuila: 38 municipal presidencies, 76 receiverships and 400 regidurías
- Colima: Governor, 25 councils and 10 municipalities
- Durango: 25 councils
- State of Mexico: 75 councils and 125 municipalities
- Guanajuato: 36 councils and 46 municipalities
- Guerrero: Governor, 46 councils and 80 municipalities
- Hidalgo: 30 councils
- Jalisco: 38 councils and 125 municipalities
- Michoacán: Governor, 40 councils and 112 municipalities
- Morelos: 20 councils and 33 municipalities
- Nayarit: Governor, 30 councils, 20 municipalities and 138 regidurías
- Nuevo León: Governor, 42 councils and 51 municipalities
- Oaxaca: 42 councils and 153 municipalities
- Puebla: 41 councils and 217 municipalities
- Querétaro: Governor, 25 councils and 18 municipalities
- Quintana Roo: 11 municipalities
- San Luis Potosí: Governor, 27 councils and 58 municipalities
- Sinaloa: Governor, 40 councils and 18 city councils
- Sonora: Governor, 33 councils and 72 municipalities
- Tabasco: 35 councils and 17 municipalities
- Tamaulipas: 36 councils and 43 municipalities
- Tlaxcala: Governor, 25 councils, 60 city councils and 299 community presidencies
- Veracruz: 50 councils and 212 municipalities
- Yucatán: 25 councils and 106 municipalities
- Zacatecas: Governor, 30 councils and 58 municipalities
How many people will vote?
The 94 million 800 thousand citizens registered in the Electoral Register are expected to participate on this election day.
How do I find the box that touches me?
The INE reported that 161 thousand polling stations will be installed that will have 50 thousand Electoral Supervisors and Trainers.
To find your box you must:
- Enter the page Locate My Box of the INE .
- It will be available from May 31.
- When you enter, display the menu and choose your entity.
- On the front of your INE is the section number. With it you will be able to know which square you have.
- If you are far from your home, you can access the special boxes to vote remotely.
Do not forget to bring your INE on the day of the elections so that it is compared with the Electoral Register and you can cast your vote.
What do I do if someone wants to force my vote?
Never forget that the vote is free and secret.
If you suspect that there is an attempt at blackmail, you can and should make the corresponding complaint to the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Electoral Crimes Attention, ( FEPADE ), but remember, it is not the same to force than to influence. For it to be a crime, there must be a threat or coercion.
In the same way, you can make the complaint in person at the FEPADE Immediate Attention Unit (Bulevar Adolfo López Mateos No. 2836, Col. Tizapán, San Ángel, Álvaro Obregón delegation, CP 01090, Mexico City, telephone (55) 53463137) or in the Electoral Prosecutor’s Offices of all the states.
Do not forget to attend with face masks, follow the rules of healthy distance and, most importantly, find out about the proposals of the candidates in your area.