Entrepreneur Masters: Telecommuting 2.0: The new ways of working, connecting and living

  Rassegna Stampa

Raúl Flores, Chief Operating Officer of Teleperformance Cloud Campus México, Centroamérica y Caribe shares with you how to use technology to keep your employees engaged and trained in a work-at-home model.

2 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

The year 2020 was marked by disruptions and challenges, prompting changes that affected the way we all live. For many organizations, the crisis caused by COVID-19 rapidly accelerated the need to implement stable and efficient work-from-home strategies.

As companies navigated a work environment affected by a global pandemic, at Teleperformance they prioritized the safety and well-being of their employees by implementing a teleworking model: Cloud Campus. In just 5 weeks, they managed to migrate more than 18,000 employees to work at home in Mexico. Their industry experience, best practices and capabilities allowed them to continue serving their clients.

Today’s modern workplace is powered by new technologies and aided by various social platforms that allow companies to redefine the way employees work. However, people who work from home may experience the feeling of being disconnected, alone and may even have the feeling of being distant from their colleagues, boss or work team.

How to solve these questions? Next Wednesday, April 28, Raúl Flores, Chief Operating Officer of Teleperformance Cloud Campus Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean will share with Entrepreneur how to use technology to keep his collaborators engaged and trained in a work-at-home model.

The expert will share strategies so that team leaders can maintain efficient communication, even in a virtual environment, how to avoid micromanagement and avoid burnout and work overload in their teams.

Join us. The appointment for the webinar Telework 2.0: The new ways of working, connecting and living is Wednesday, April 28 at 7:00 pm on the Entrepreneur networks .

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