‘Every Ducking Day Is Earth Day’: Brands Mark the Holiday With Advocacy and Receipts

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

One way to make that happen is with legislation that puts a deposit on bottles—incentivizing consumers and independent collectors to bring those containers to collection centers in exchange for that deposit. New York, one of the few states in the U.S. that has a bottle law on the books, puts a 5 cent deposit on each bottle—a price that’s stayed consistent since the bill was passed in 1982.

Rothy’s, a footwear brand that turns post-consumer plastic into shoes, launched a campaign this week to increase the deposit on those bottles. Like Lundberg, Rothy’s kicked off the campaign last week with a full-page ad in The New York Times, asking readers to “Stop Recycling Like It’s 1982.” Analysts estimate that increasing the deposit to 10 cents would save 773 million bottles from landfill each year, the ad explained.

“When we realized that so few people had heard of this legislation, we saw an opportunity to elevate the issue by rallying our community and platforms to mobilize,” Jamie Gersch, CMO of Rothy’s, told Adweek. “We hope that this initiative will inspire others to join us in taking bold action toward a healthier, happier planet and demonstrate that there is power in the collective. Small changes, as small as a nickel, can make a big difference.”

Rothy’s full-page ad in The New York Times asks readers to support a 10 cent bottle deposit.

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