Fear? Answering These 7 Questions Will Help You Take the Big Leap

  Rassegna Stampa
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“I am an old man and I have known a lot of problems, but most of them have never happened.” -Mark Twain-

Sometimes, if not always, we fear the unknown, what “may happen” because we are human beings and the unknown always disturbs us, but what if everything we imagined was going to happen never happens ?

Like you, many entrepreneurs and businessmen have had the same question “what if …” . Fortunately, I have chosen to put myself in uncomfortable situations to deal with that, so as not to stay in the “what if” and whenever something causes me nerves or fear, I always jump into it and it is something that has worked quite well for me so far, is better to say “I did it and this happened …” to say “I didn’t and I don’t know what would have happened” and it’s something I’ve been doing for years, even before meeting the great Tim Ferriss.

But hey, I have not reached this point in my life alone, great mentors, minds, teachers have been with me and within those great minds is that of Tim Ferriss, the author of many Bestsellers, among them “The 4-hour workweek “And speaking of him, in his book” Titans “I found the 7 questions that he recommends if you are afraid of taking the big leap.

Before answering these questions, Ferriss recommends: answer in writing and the first thing that comes to mind without thinking too much. Write and do not correct, since the important thing is the quantity and dedicate several minutes or each question.

Tim Ferriss says:

  1. Define your nightmare, the worst that could happen if you did what you are thinking of doing. What doubts, fears, “what ifs” do you think of when you think about the big changes you can (or need) to make?

  2. What steps could you take to repair the damage or to get things back on track, even temporarily? It may be easier than you think. How would you regain control?

  3. What are the results or benefits, both temporary and permanent, of the most likely scenarios? Now that you have defined the nightmare, what are the most likely or clearly positive results, whether they are internal (confidence, self-esteem, etc.) or external? What effect will the most likely outcomes have on a scale of one to ten? How likely are you to get at least a moderate positive result? Are there people less intelligent than you who have done this and succeeded?

  4. If you were fired from your job today, what would you do to regain financial control of your life? Imagine this situation and answer questions one through three. If you are leaving your job to try other options, how would you later return to your current career path in case of absolute necessity?

  5. What are you putting off out of fear? What we most fear to do is usually what we most need to do. That phone call, that conversation, whatever; it is the fear of unknown consequences that prevents us from doing what we need to do. Define what is the worst that can happen to you, accept it and do it. I will repeat something that perhaps you should think about getting a tattoo on your forehead: What we fear the most to do is usually what we need to do the most. As I’ve heard around, a person’s success in life can often be measured by the amount of awkward conversations they are willing to have. Make the decision to do one thing every day that scares you. I got used to doing this by trying to contact celebrities and famous businessmen for advice.

  6. How much is it costing you (financially, emotionally and physically) to postpone your performance? Do not value only the possible disadvantages of acting. It’s also important to weigh the heinous cost of not acting. If you don’t pursue what excites you, where will you be in a year, five years, or ten years? How will you feel after allowing circumstances to prevail and allowing ten more years of your finite life to pass doing what you know does not satisfy you? If you see yourself ten years from now and you know with 100% certainty that it is a path of disappointment and regret, and if we define risk as “the probability of an irreversible negative result occurring”, then not acting is the greatest risk of all .

  7. What are you waiting for? If you can’t answer this question without resorting to the stupid “this is not the time” approach, the answer is simple: you are scared, just like the rest of the world. Assess the cost of failing to act, determine the improbability of most missteps and the chances of remedying them, and adopt the most important habit of those who excel and enjoy it: act.

As you can see, there are 7 super powerful questions that Ferriss asks us, that if you are honest they will lead you to achieve what you have put aside for so long and finally experience how it feels to do it and not stay in the “would” or “what if”. WARNING, it is not easy, but it CAN be done. I have put them into practice and believe me, they have led me to start conversations with great people, businessmen and humans that I admire, I have done things that I never imagined; I share all of the above because I know that within you is that thorn of the desire to take your life, your company, your economy, your emotions to another level, do not let fear stop you, better make it drive you.
