“If you believe that your price per asset should be a certain amount, you deserve to get paid that, and we’re going to make sure that it’s explained to the clients,” added Long.
For Visible, its social team works with agency partner Madwell to vet influencers and creators. They get together to review data about followers, demographics and content before committing to a creator for a campaign.
That data leads the brand to pick the right people for the right jobs, as it did for Singles Awareness Day this year. The brand looked for something fun to connect with consumers on the day. Visible and Madwell created a character called Youpid, Cupid’s brother who promotes self-love confidence. To find the right person to play the character, they looked to Benny Drama, a popular comedian, actor, producer and content creator.
“As we looked at the data, as well as who is strong in the place where this content was going to live, Benny Drama rose to the top,” said Gresham.
Both Gresham and Long talked about how, if TikTok is ultimately banned on colleges’ online networks, where many of the next generation of consumers are engaging with content, or by the government, it will mean that other platforms will have to step up since consumers are now gravitating to short-form video.
“As we think about this next generation, and what their needs will be, [brands and platforms] are going to have to continue to evolve to meet them,” said Long.
By utilizing data, new technologies and brand strategies, brands and agencies can create meaningful products and experiences to grab a new generation of consumers, meeting them on whatever platform best suits their needs.