The full clip of “Into the Unknown,” the big musical number from Frozen 2 performed by Idina Menzel and Aurora, is now available to watch on YouTube in full. That should be great news for kids who can’t get enough of the sequel’s version of “Let It Go,” and it’s terrifying news for parents who will surely have to endure the song on loop for the rest of their lives.
It’s only been about two weeks since Frozen 2 was released in theaters, but Disney is hoping viral magic will strike twice by uploading the full clip of the song now. The timing is similar to 2013, when the studio uploaded “Let It Go” in full on YouTube a week and a half after Frozen was released, a strategy that paid off in a massive way.
The worldwide success of “Let It Go” can also be attributed to the song being sung in 25 different languages and covers from international artists. It’s probably unlikely that “Into the Unknown” will reach the level of popularity “Let It Go” achieved, but the full video now being available on YouTube marks the beginning of Disney’s campaign. A sing-along version of “Let It Go” from Disney UK is currently sitting at 1.8 billion views, so it’s likely only a matter of time before one appears for “Into the Unknown,” along with thousands of cover videos and multiple reuploads.