Galerie Miranda, a renowned art space in Paris, is marking its 6th anniversary with the launch of “Private Views,” the first in a series of four capsule exhibitions. Curated by gallery founder Miranda Salt, this anniversary cycle offers a retrospective look at the gallery’s choices over the years, juxtaposing historical photographic references with contemporary works across broad themes.
“Private Views” explores different facets of intimacy, ranging from beauty and bodies to stereotypes, privacy, desire, love, and the end of love. The exhibition features a curated selection of distinctive works, incorporating both new and inventory pieces, produced from the mid-1970s to the present day.
One of the highlights of the exhibition is the exclusive showcase of selected images by Jean Curran, an artist from Ireland known for her hand-made dye-transfer prints. Curran’s unique prints are derived from the original Cinemascope reels of Jean-Luc Godard’s iconic film, “Le Mépris” (Contempt, 1963), starring Brigitte Bardot. This unveiling at Galerie Miranda provides art enthusiasts with a first-time opportunity to witness the intricate details of Curran’s transformative process.
Jo Ann Callis, a distinguished photographer based in Los Angeles, is also featured in “Private Views.” With a career spanning over four decades, Callis has taught at CalArts since 1976 and is a faculty member of the School of Art’s Program in Photography and Media. The exhibition presents works by Callis in collaboration with ROSEGALLERY, Santa Monica, showcasing her exploration of themes such as beauty and intimacy.
Callis’s extensive portfolio, with over 40 personal exhibitions, has been exhibited globally, including at prestigious institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Notable among her achievements are three NEA Fellowships and a Guggenheim Fellowship.
Jean Curran, on the other hand, is recognized as one of the few dye-transfer printers in the world today. Her commitment to re-contextualizing early color films as still frame photographic images is evident in her laborious and meticulous printing process. The exhibition at Galerie Miranda unveils her latest series, “Godard/Bardot,” comprising 13 dye-transfer prints from the original reels of “Le Mépris” by Jean-Luc Godard.
“Private Views” invites art enthusiasts to engage with the dialogue between historical and contemporary perspectives on intimacy, making it a must-visit for those interested in the intersection of cinema, photography, and art. The exhibition is a testament to Galerie Miranda’s six years of fostering innovative and thought-provoking artistic expression.