Google has expanded on the continuous audience sharing feature it launched last year by enabling audiences to be shared from sub-accounts, the company announced Tuesday. When enabled, existing and future remarketing lists created from sub-accounts are automatically shared with manager accounts.

How it different than before. When continuous audience sharing was first introduced, it could only be done at the manager account-level and it only enabled manager accounts to share audience lists with sub-accounts.
Now, audience lists can be shared from sub-accounts to manager accounts as well.
Be aware. Audience lists may be confidential or proprietary. Before sharing a list with another account, ensure that you’ve received permission from the account that owns the list, Google says on its remarketing list help page.
You’ll also want to ensure that, by sharing an audience list, you’re not inadvertently violating a privacy policy. And, keep in mind that any changes made to a shared list are applied across accounts.
Why we care. Continuous audience sharing may help PPC professionals save time that would otherwise be spent creating new audience lists or manually selecting audiences from individual accounts.