Google Ads errors and issues reported

  Marketing, Rassegna Stampa, SEO

The Google Ads Status Dashboard has indicated that there have been error messages, high latency, and/or other unexpected behavior today.

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What’s happening. We’re not sure what the issues are or when they’ll be resolved. But keep checking the status dashboard for updates.

Update. The status has been resolved.

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Why we care. If you’re seeing errors or unexpected issues in your Ads dashboard, be aware that they may be related to this latest issue. Monitor your campaigns closely and be on the lookout for overspending, ad disapprovals, or even suspensions.

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About the author

Nicole Farley

Nicole Farley is an editor for Search Engine Land covering all things PPC. In addition to being a Marine Corps veteran, she has an extensive background in digital marketing, an MBA and a penchant for true crime, podcasts, travel, and snacks.