Google releases Ads API version 11

  Marketing, Rassegna Stampa, SEO

Google has just released the newest version of the Ads API, version v11_1. 

What’s changed. Here are the major changes according to Google’s release notes.





  • Added support for the following metrics in the campaign report:
    • all_conversions_from_click_to_call
    • all_conversions_from_directions
    • all_conversions_from_menu
    • all_conversions_from_order
    • all_conversions_from_other_engagement
    • all_conversions_from_store_visit
    • all_conversions_from_store_website
  • Made metrics.phone_call compatible with segments.hour in the campaign report.




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What is the Google API. The Google API allows developers to interact directly with the ads platform, making large or robust accounts and campaigns easier to manage. With the ads API, you can:

  • Automate account management
  • Create custom reports
  • Manage inventory
  • Manage smart bidding strategies

Why we care. Developers who use the Google Ads API should make note of the new updates and plan management of their accounts accordingly.

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About The Author

Nicole Farley is an editor for Search Engine Land covering all things PPC. In addition to being a Marine Corps veteran, she has an extensive background in digital marketing, an MBA and a penchant for true crime, podcasts, travel, and snacks.