Google to Launch “Brand New” Version of Google Plus on Android by @MattGSouthern

  Marketing, News, Rassegna Stampa, SEO

Google is working on a new version of Google+ for Android, which is said to be brand new and completely rewritten.

According to Google+ engineer, Leo Deegan, the new G+ is set to be released within the next several days. While it will resemble the current app in appearance, it sounds like a lot of technical changes have been made under the hood.

”…this new version is the culmination of a complete rewrite of many core features using Google’s latest Android app infrastructure which will allow our Android team to build new features on a modern tech stack.”

In addition to core features being rewritten, some subtle updates have been added including:

  • Improved stream rendering and scrolling
  • Redesigned photo lightbox
  • Swipe up to leave a comment
  • Grey-spammed comments now viewable by post authors

Google admits there are a few known issues that are still being worked on, which is to be expected with a complete rewrite. The new Google+ app should be available on Android in the next few days.