Help us chart Amazon’s growth as an advertising platform

  Marketing, Rassegna Stampa, SEO

As digital commerce continues to grow, product marketers are increasingly including marketplace platforms in their advertising mix. But just how much are they spending there?

Last year, Marketing Land’s inaugural Amazon Advertising Forecast found that 80% of respondents advertising on platforms that support digital commerce campaigns planned to increase spending in 2019. And nearly half said they planned to increase spending on Amazon by more than 25%. 

The survey also found that about two-thirds of advertisers are selling on other marketplaces including Walmart/Jet, eBay and Shopify.

We’d like to see how that’s changed in the past year.

Please click here to answer this year’s survey, it will only take 10 minutes and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a free ticket to any SMX West event in the next two years.

The results will be presented at SMX West 2020 in our digital commerce marketing track.

About The Author

Henry Powderly is vice president of content for Third Door Media, publishers of Search Engine Land, Marketing Land and MarTech Today. With more than a decade in editorial leadership positions, he is responsible for content strategy and event programming for the organization.