How Baseball’s All-Star Game Drove In More Brands

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

In a bid to expand business west of the Mississippi River, Pete & Gerry’s has spent much of the last year teaming with MLB to increase its profile. It took over MLB’s homepage for Father’s Day, held a sweepstakes to send fans to All-Star Week, and will have a 400-square-foot area in Play Ball Park and a tent on the T-Mobile Park concourse with a giant hen named Shelly, games, egg-shaped baseballs and plush toy hens. 

T-Mobile’s MLB Next app adds layers to already dense All-Star Week branding.

There will be a Spot Shelly game on the ballpark’s video screen, social media posts with Shelly and a digital raffle during the Home Run Derby once the players hit 108 home runs—equal to the number of square feet each pasture-raised chicken has to roam. It’s space that may not have existed for Pete & Gerry’s during previous All-Star Weeks.

“For the consumer who buys pasture-raised eggs, she recognizes that number; it’s a number that’s fixed in our head: 108 square feet,” said Pete & Gerry’s CMO Phyllis Rothschild. “But our goal is to broaden it and do more ‘eggucation’ and get more people to recognize the value of a pasture-raised hen and our eggs in particular.”

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