Which is also why Consumer Cellular eschewed the possibility of paid actors and instead went directly to RFK Racing (which it already sponsors) for some buy-in. The crew responded well to the chop-top idea—to the point where it offered to remove the roof from one of its retired race cars for the shoot. Keselowski and his crew chief, Matt McCall, then stepped into starring roles.
While Keselowski’s strong suit is clearly driving and not acting (“We did it! We took almost half off!” he hoots), brand consultant Allen Adamson believes the spot probably will appeal to racing fans as intended.
“Rather than the traditional sponsorship approach of putting Consumer Cellular’s logo on the car, they created a video that will be shared by core Nascar fans,” he said.
And since those fans skew pretty heavily toward middle-aged guys, Adamson added that the carrier is “smart” to work with the association “given the target audience overlap.”
“Each week at Nascar, you’re going to have two, two and a half million adults 50+ tuning in,” Nance said. “That [audience] is our bread and butter.”
In addition to airing the 30-second spot, Consumer Cellular invited racing fans to see the car in person this past weekend at the Phoenix Raceway for the Nascar Cup Series, parked beside Consumer Cellular’s tent.
“We’re gonna put this out, see what people think about it,” Nance said. “And we very well might go out make some more content around the convertible later this year.”