Instantly add colour to black and white photos with this free and easy website

  Creative, News, Rassegna Stampa

Upload old B&W photos through this website to add a little colour to the past.

Recent World War One doc They Shall Not Grow Old mesmerised many over Christmas with its hours of colourised war footage, but the ability to add colour to black and white imagery is no longer in the domain of top-end production studios.

Created by GovTech Singapore, the website Colourise SG allows anyone to upload any black and white photo for a simple and almost instantaneous colourisation.

A deep-learning tool trained using old photos of Singaporean life, Colourise is claimed by its creators to improve upon similar tools due to being based only on such photos – and yet, as Twitter has noticed, the tool display outstanding results on a wide variety of photos.

It even works well on modern B&W images, like the already iconic poster to Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma.

We played around with WW1 imagery from the British Library’s copyright free image library and got some great Before and After shots.

Here’s a closer look at the photos used in our featured image above.

See for yourself using the free-to-use Colourise SG – originally meant to go offline in February, the project has been kept up for longer due to its popularity. Don’t dawdle though as it won’t be around forever.

Read next: 12 Best Sites for Free Vintage Photos and Artworks