Lego Embarks on a Global Play Tour, Starting With an Immersive Art Gallery For Kids

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

And Chinese paper cutting artist Chen Fenwan developed the Forest of Wishes, an ethereal forest where visitors can build and add to the space with Lego bricks.

Superpower Studios will be open with free admission Sept. 11 to 16. Beyond the activation, Lego has partnered with local organization La Villette to support free workshops and play sessions for 87,000 underprivileged children through 2026. 

After Paris, Lego will host other playable, immersive experiences around the world. There will be a playable library in China, a restaurant-themed popup in Japan, a dance studio in Australia, and a creative camp during the Berlin Festival of Lights in October. 

Lego Superpower Studios
Lego imagined typically ‘adult’ spaces for childrenLego

“We wanted to take spaces that are typically seen as adult and subvert them with play,” Akuya said. 

Building a playful world

These experiences are tangible extensions of Lego’s “Play is Your Superpower” campaign, whose previous iterations have included a playable superhero ad.

“Play is Your Superpower” has the goal of fostering play, which according to Lego’s research can improve learning, development, and connection among children and families. 

Its latest global study found that 90% of children agree that play is the best way for them to learn, develop, and express themselves, while 83% of parents see play as a platform for celebrating differences. 

However, 76% of parents say that today’s children have fewer opportunities to play than previous generations, due to factors such as the pervasive impact of digital devices, parental workload, and restricted access to play spaces. 1 in 5 parents say they never engage in playtime with their children. 

“Play is more than just fun; it’s the key to unlocking essential creative life skills and fostering a more inclusive, joyful world,” Akuya said in a statement. “Superpower Studios is our way of inviting families to make play a priority.”

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