On Wednesday, Lego sold 30,000 copies of a Lego castle designed by a fan — the Mountain Fortress — earning him half a million dollars for his work. For a while, the company’s website was flattened under the load, and my Verge story about these fan-designed sets was pretty popular, too.
So I suspect you might also be interested in a future wave of limited-edition, fan-designed Lego sets — and the chance to vote on them yourself!
Today marks one week before voting wraps in the Lego BrickLink Designer Program Series 4, where many incredible ideas are currently vying for the chance to become an actual product packaged, sold, and shipped by The Lego Group.
And while Lego will have the final say, it wants to know which sets you prefer. Here are the ones that most caught my eye:
As before, Lego will produce up to 30,000 of each set that makes the cut, with designers getting 5 percent of the sale price in royalties.
The winning Series 4 sets will be announced on March 18th. On June 1st, Lego will put these Series 2 sets on presale, and the Series 3 sets will go on presale in October.
Images via Lego Bricklink Designer Program