Let’s discuss how we’re reviewing the 2021 MacBook Pro

  News, Rassegna Stampa

It is morning. The birds are chirping, a coffee percolator is bubbling, keyboards are clacking, and an Apple startup chime is ringing. The Verge’s Dieter Bohn, Nilay Patel, and Monica Chin are also walking into the recording studio to chat about the new iteration of Apple’s MacBook Pros.

And that is what you can listen to today. On Tuesdays for the remainder of the year, The Verge’s flagship podcast The Vergecast will be featuring additional new episodes, with each focused on a specific topic usually discussed on our regular Friday shows.

On a typical Vergecast, you may hear a bit about the behind-the-scenes activity that goes along with reviewing something like the iPhone or a VR headset. Today’s show dedicates a morning to pulling back that curtain to share what we’re thinking about when reviewing a new product for The Verge.

The 2021 MacBook Pro is a great subject for this sort of discussion. Everything is redesigned, including the body, the keyboard, the screen, the camera, the processor, and one could even argue the ports. There’s a narrative we’re seeing where Apple listened to some complaints and needs of their customers. It’s also a good example of how emotional of a journey it is to test battery life on devices lately.

In this episode, you’ll hear Monica, Nilay, and Dieter walk through their approach to reviews— from finding the angle, to testing, to figuring out an accurate score — all in the context of Apple’s newest laptop.

You can listen here or in your preferred podcast player for the full discussion.
