The 1957 book Marken und Signete, published by Julius Hoffmann, features logos by designers such as Helmut Salden, Roger Excoffon, Anton Stankowski, Philip Grushkin, and George Salter. Images have been archived on Flickr thanks to the Herb Lubalin Study Center and Stephen Coles.
Stephen’s copy (above) was missing its dust jacket (below).
A whimsical mark caught my eye — this one for Basel-based stationer Papyrus AG.
Designed by Swiss graphic artist Hermann Eidenbenz (1902–1993), the only context I could find was this poster via the Poster Musem.

The various designers and clients in the book are named beside each logo. This KHR monogram, for example, was designed by Alfred Finsterer (1908–1996).
This logo for the Aspen Festival was by Herbert Bayer (1900–1985).
And this for Machinenfabrik Molins was crafted by the renowned FHK Henrion (1914–1990).
Used copies are available from AbeBooks. It’d be a collector’s item for me, unless it includes something more substantial than the marks on their own. Also, Stephen Coles’ @typographica profile on Twitter is worth a follow.
You might like this 1976 book, Signet Signal Symbol, by Walter Diethelm.