Microsoft Advertising Editor gets updated with recommendations and campaign-level targeting

  Marketing, Rassegna Stampa, SEO

Microsoft Advertising Editor users now have access to AI-powered recommendations and campaign-level associations, the company announced Wednesday. The new features are designed to help advertisers optimize campaign performance and make bulk campaign management easier.

Recommendations as they appear in Microsoft Advertising Editor. Source: Microsoft.

AI-powered recommendations. Recommendations, which were released as a closed beta in November, are now available globally. Denoted with a lightbulb icon, recommendations can include suggestions for bid optimizations, new keywords to add, and fixes for ad groups that are missing ads or keywords.

Advertisers can implement recommendations directly from Microsoft Advertising Editor’s error pane or review recommendations and their estimated impact before applying them.

Campaign-level audience targeting. Previously only accessible in the Microsoft Advertising UI, the ability to apply audience targeting at the campaign level is now also available in Microsoft Advertising Editor.

Advertisers can have targeting associations at either the ad group or campaign level, but not both. And, exclusions are allowed at both the ad group and campaign levels.

Why we care. Automated recommendations may help prevent advertisers from missing out on potential traffic. Both the recommendations and campaign-level associations features can also help advertisers save time, which can quickly add up if they’re managing numerous campaigns.

These updates will also help Microsoft Advertising Editor keep up with Google Ads Editor, which has its own version of budget recommendations.

About The Author

George Nguyen is an Associate Editor at Third Door Media. His background is in content marketing, journalism, and storytelling.