No, You Haven’t Entered The Upside Down. Netflix Is Everywhere—Here’s Why

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

No place like home

Netflix House certainly won’t be done by halves, bringing elements of all these experiences under one roof.

“It will allow us to build all of these immersive worlds that play off of each other,” said Simon.

He said Netflix is building the project with “flexibility” in mind to accommodate for future shows that might take on a “crazy life of their own,” as Stranger Things has done.

“We’ve built the infrastructure that allows us to exercise our creativity when it comes to storytelling, but also refresh it pretty regularly, whether that means the menu at the restaurant, the products in the retail store, or the experiences.” All this can be tailored based on what fans are talking about and sharing online.

It has yet to announce where Netflix House might pop up yet. “We’re very global in nature,” Simon said. “We’re figuring out where comes next.”

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