If you are going to come to Mexico City for the Easter holidays and you are suffering from the Hoy no circula program, this will interest you: on March 23, 2021, the Megalópoils Environmental Commission (CAMe) issued a statement informing that any vehicle with foreign plates (except the State of Mexico) that is visiting CDMX may attend a verification center to request a voluntary verification .

The statement explains that “citizens responsible for vehicles registered in other states, with the exception of the State of Mexico, whose vehicles lack an Exempt, Double Zero or Zero type verification hologram obtained in their entity of origin, may carry out a voluntary vehicle verification. in the emission verification centers located in Mexico City”.
The voluntary verification remains in effect in 2022 and is available for all cars that do not have the verification or that do not have a “0” or “00” hologram. The cars of the entities that make up the Megalopolis (Morelos, Hidalgo, Querétaro, Tlaxcala) that have obtained in their entity the holograms “E”, “0” or “00” are exempt from the traffic restrictions that the Hoy program does not circulate imposes so it is not necessary for them to take the test.
How to do the voluntary verification in the CDMX?
The process is simple: it is only necessary to schedule an appointment in this link indicating that you want to do the voluntary verification. Once your vehicle is examined and has passed the verification, you will be given a certificate and the hologram that will allow you to circulate daily (well, except in environmental contingencies).
The cost of the voluntary verification is the same as for the normal verification: $898 pesos for the hologram “00” and $448 for the “0”.
It is important to clarify that carrying out the voluntary verification does not exempt you from the one you have to carry out in your entity.
You can request more information by calling 55 5278 9931 extensions 1690 to 1694 or writing an email to hoynocircula@sedema.cdmx.gob.mx .