L’Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) sta diventando sempre più centrale in un’era in cui le comunicazioni digitali e la quantità di dati generati online crescono in modo esponenziale. Questo tipo di intelligence, basato esclusivamente sull’utilizzo di informazioni pubblicamente accessibili, è oggi una risorsa essenziale per molte organizzazioni, dal settore governativo a quello privato. In questo approfondimento ..

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On Wednesday, Microsoft Research introduced Magma, an integrated AI foundation model that combines visual and language processing to control software interfaces and robotic systems. If the results hold up outside of Microsoft’s internal testing, it could mark a meaningful step forward for an all-purpose multimodal AI that can operate interactively in both real and digital ..

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As companies like Amazon, JPMorgan, and Walmart implement return-to-office (RTO) mandates, one business is sweetening the deal by giving its employees a $10,000 annual raise for showing up to the office more often. Cameo, a startup that allows users to purchase and receive personalized video messages from celebrities, began a new RTO policy this week ..

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Crafty cuttlefish employ several different camouflaging displays while hunting their prey, according to a new paper published in the journal Ecology, including mimicking benign ocean objects like a leaf or coral, or flashing dark stripes down their bodies. And individual cuttlefish seem to choose different preferred hunting displays for different environments. It’s well-known that cuttlefish ..

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