Publishers Caught in the Crosshairs of Vendor MFA Tools

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

Buyers use tools on the open exchange to keep up with MFA

At Havas Media Group, brands are encouraged to buy via private marketplaces, and the agency helps vet which sites are included with Jounce Media. It recommends ad verification tools for buys on the open exchange, using IAS’ tool, said Meghan McGuirk, senior vice president and group director of digital strategy and investment at Havas Media Group.

“For brands, an inclusion list-only approach poses challenges in scalability and manual adjustments, especially as artificial-intelligence-generated content proliferates,” a DV spokesperson said.

At agency Good Apple, clients use DV’s tool.

“If we can reduce the number of those sites, this is a gift,” said vp of programmatic George Tarnopolsky. “[It’s] making the inventory more premium.”

This article has been updated to clarify that DeepSee along with other industry players are creating a portal to show publishers if they have been classed as MFA. 

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