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In this episode of The Security Podcasts featuring Tim Callan, Co-Chair at CA/Browser Forum and Chief Compliance Officer at Sectigo, we discuss the current state of digital certificate lifespans as well as the support for reducing them.
“If you look at SSL certificates, for example, once upon a time, there was no limit at all. You could get a 10 year certificate. That was first capped, and it was capped at three, and then it moved down to two, and then it moved down to one where it sits right now, and we are looking at a concrete proposal, that over the next several years, would bring the maximum turn down to 47 days.”

Reducing the lifespan of digital certificates
Tim Callan, Co-Chair at CA/Browser Forum and Chief Compliance Officer at Sectigo, discusses the current state of digital certificate lifespans and explains the support for reducing them.
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