Researchers develop vaccine against ‘zombie cells’ that could slow aging

  Rassegna Stampa
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Scientists from several universities in Japan came together to develop a vaccine against senescent cells, also known as zombie cells, these are responsible for the development of at least 20 diseases and contribute to aging. In the study they published, the group of scientists showed that there was a reduction in cells in the mice that were given the vaccine.


Senescent cells are present in various parts of the body. They are complicated because they are not dead cells, they just stop duplicating, so the body does not see the need to get rid of them. But they are also not useful because they are badly damaged, they cannot repair tissues or carry out necessary functions.

The researchers used a protein that is present inside the cell, based on its amino acid to create the peptide vaccine. What the vaccine does is that it allows the body to create antibodies that are able to adhere to senescent cells and thus can be eliminated by white blood cells. By injecting older mice, they saw that the process of body weakening that occurs over the years was slowed.

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