The coronavirus pandemic caused “marked shifts in behavior over the past couple of weeks,” Pinterest content strategist and marketing writer Felicia Baskin wrote in her introduction to the platform’s analysis of top searches across the past few weeks.
She added, “It’s not exactly business as usual these days. Everyone is scrambling to adjust to the new normal—both at work and at home … There’s also a much bigger emphasis on ideas that can happen fast, with whatever’s already on hand.”
People may be stuck at home, but they are still seeking ways to stay healthy and fit, as Pinterest saw searches for home bodyweight workouts rise 205%, while home workouts with no equipment saw a 329% spike.
Similar gains were seen for mental health topics such as self-care at home (332%) and meditation tips for beginners (108%).
The temporary shuttering of schools across the country caused searches for work from home with kids to skyrocket 1,657%. Other related topics that saw boosts included nature walk activities for kids (407%) and home games for kids (331%).
Food-related searches were altered to reflect easy, flexible recipes incorporating ingredients that are already in the house. Yeastless bread recipes saw a whopping 4,400% increase, while searches for bread in crockpot soared 3,191%, and sweet Amish bread shot up 1,499%.
Salon visits are down, by necessity, so searches are up for beauty and personal care topics including home haircuts (417%), homemade eyebrow wax recipes (321%) and manicure at home tutorials (159%).