Secondary assignment in Mexico City: This is how you can check the results

  Rassegna Stampa

On July 30, the results of the high school that was assigned to new students will be available.

2 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

A new school year will begin in August and the Federal Educational Association of Mexico City (AEFCM ) announced that on July 30 it will announce which schools were assigned to students entering the first year of secondary school. Parents had to choose three options when they filled out the enrollment application . What does it depend on? The school that is assigned to them will depend, first of all, on the average that the student has. The proximity of the home and the workplace of the parents or guardian is also taken into account.

To review the results, it is necessary to enter the page of the government of Mexico and click on “consult results .” If for any reason the family is not happy with the high school assigned to them, there is the option to request a change. However, most schools have full capacity so it will only be possible to change if a student from the other school withdraws. Once the change is accepted, the student will automatically lose their place in which they were originally assigned, if the change is rejected, they will be able to remain enrolled. To request the change it is necessary to enter the same page and click on the button that says “change request.”

Given that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has already assured that “even if it rains, thunders or lightning” , the return to face-to-face classes will be at the end of August 30, there is the possibility that students who go to secondary school can return to have an experience more normal school.

The head of the SEP, Delfina Gómez, assured that all schools will implement the necessary security measures so that returning to classes is not a risk for students.