“This is a really personal work, I could hide it behind a random night/street photography project but it has nothing to do with that and in the same way those pictures aren’t about Moscow. Those are a psychological self-portrait, they just reflect my state of mind at that time.
Night photography was a pretext to get drown in the darkest places of the city, the same way and for the same reasons one can drown into alcohol. Disappointed by life and submerge in pain, in this paradoxical and double process of self-destruction and search for relief.”
“Nights after nights walking empty streets, visiting parking lots, construction sites and warehouses. Taking random metro for random destination, being cold for hours, almost lost half of the time, until I get really lost sometimes. Of tow streets choosing the darkest, just forced counter-intuitive choices, one after another. That was the process. The city was the blank page I could write my pain on, and photography, the silent way to let it out.”
About the author:
Hermes Pichon is, among many things, a French documentary and street photographer. Hermes has been published in Le Monde and local newspaper like Rebellion and Le Progres.
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