The 13th World Congress of Families

  Fotografia, Rassegna Stampa

On 31 March 2019, the 13th World Congress of Families concluded with a march in Verona.
The WCF, sustain only one type of heterosexual family, western and Catholic, they openly stand against some fundamental human rights: they talk about LGBT as ill that need treatment, abortion is criminalized and the law on divorce is considered the the principal decline of the family.

The event, represented by the province of Verona, Veneto region and Minister of Family, saw the participation of numerous politicians from the right wing and exponents of the government including Lorenza Fontana, Giorgia Meloni, Luca Zaia, Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani.

The World Congress of Families ‘community’ support the criminalization of homosexuality in Uganda and the anti-gay law in Russia, countries that moreover result in the financing of the organization.

Amongst the associations that support the WFC Pro Vita Onlus stand out, they endorse thesis’ that support pseudoscientific studies like: “Homosexuality is a problem from a psychological point of view” and the idea that there is a connection between “abortion and breast cancer”.

Some investigations have brought to light connections between ProVita and the Italian extreme right like the neo-fascist party “Forza Nuova”, also present at the march for the family.

Silvana De Mari, a speaker at the WCF declared; “The sexual act between two people of the same sex is form of physical violence also used in satanic initiations”.
Another declaration that leaves you speechless is that of Ignacio Arsuaga Spanish Presidente of CitizenGO; “We want an abortion free Spain”.

A flyer distributed by the SìAmo organization on Sunday read: “The mandatory vaccines are produced using aborted fetuses, everything is dismissed and justified to protect the pharmaceutical companies”.

During the second day of the congress on Saturday 30 March, 40 thousand people were present in Verona’s piazza, led by the trans-feminist movement “Non una di Meno”. They protested against the themes brought forward by the World Congress of Families. The participation was well superior to the march that took place the following day, with an estimation by law enforcement, of about 10 thousand people.

Saturday’s march made the WCF’s look like a minority, making the government take a clear position on the untouchable 194 law, on the archiving of Ddl Pillon and giving life for the first time to a revenge porn law.

About the author of this reportage:
Federica Orsi first studied Philosophy followed by Photography in Rome.
Federica is a storyteller and documentary photographer exploring themes like the body and sexuality. Her research moves towards the production of fanzines, collages and visual narratives. At the moment she lives and works in Milan as a freelance photographer.

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