The Amazon Halo Rise would be a neat sleep tracker, if it weren’t for my cat

  News, Rassegna Stampa

I am stuck in a vicious cycle. My cat is an asshole who likes waking me up at 3AM. In pursuit of a more peaceful slumber (and a new life as an early riser), I turn to all sorts of gadgets and sleep tech. It works for a while, until my cat adopts a new strategy.

I drowned out his late-night yowls with the Bose SleepBuds II, until he started batting my face with his paws. I bought him a cat fountain so he’d stop knocking over the cup on my nightstand; he was pleased until he decided it was more fun to drink condensation in the bathtub and then scream. Inevitably, I wake up late and exhausted. Rinse and repeat.

I had hoped to break the cycle with the Amazon Halo Rise, a $139.99 smart alarm clock, sunrise lamp, and contactless sleep tracker rolled into one. And I think it might’ve worked if it weren’t for my pugnacious purry boy Pablo.


I decided to review the Halo Rise because I’m struggling to transform from a night owl to an early bird. Outside a bout of insomnia, my talents include sleeping through three iPhone alarms, multiple vibrating smartwatch alarms, and most of my spouse’s nightly pilgrimages to the kitchen. (They seem unaware that potato chip bags crinkle 1,000 times louder at night.) I read somewhere that sunrise lamps can be an effective yet gentle way to wake up and was literally in the middle of researching which one to buy when my editor mentioned the Halo Rise.

On paper, the Halo Rise is an efficient option. It helps you wake up gently by mimicking natural morning light during your lightest sleep stage and has sensors to monitor ambient temperature, light disturbances, and humidity. You can link it with an Echo device, effectively turning it into another voice-controlled smart light. It’s small enough to fit on a crowded nightstand, and its minimal design is versatile enough to go with a variety of bedroom decor.

I was most wary of the Halo Rise’s contactless sleep tracking. Wearable or mattress-based sleep trackers tend to use a combination of motion sensors and heart rate data to determine which stage of sleep you’re in. There is no accelerometer or optical heart rate sensor in the Halo Rise. Instead, like the Nest Hub, it tracks sleep via a low-energy radar that analyzes your movement and breathing. Unlike the Nest Hub (and some smartphone sleep tracking apps), there’s no microphone, so it doesn’t record your snores or voices. There’s no camera, either. That’s great for privacy, but it also eliminates another data source. This ultimately means the Halo Rise’s radars and algorithms have to be on point for the sleep tracking to be accurate — and in my experience, radars in sleep gadgets can be hit or miss.

View of sleep tracking screen in Amazon Halo app on an iPhone with the Halo Rise in the background.

Bundling all of these features into one device is convenient, but as the saying goes, a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. Nightstand real estate is precious; there’s no room for something that falls just shy of nailing everything it’s supposed to do. That’s where my head was at going into testing. Now that I’ve used it for a little over a month, I can say that my instincts were spot-on — but not because of the Rise.

Setting up the Rise is easy peasy, but positioning it is tricky. Because it’s a contactless tracker, you need to aim it in the right direction. The app walks you through it, but the gist is that you have to: