The Best Brain-Training Wearables of 2020

  Rassegna Stampa

Omnipemf, Braintap, Muse and Sensate lead the pack in helping focus an uneasy mind.

2 min read

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Your brain is just like any other muscle in your body; just as you lift weights and train your body to make it stronger, your brain needs just as much attention as those biceps.

And with the state of things these days, we should spend even more time training our brains to be more focused, relaxed and creative in order to maintain our emotional control and build our resilience to stress. Only then can we truly thrive in uncertain times and become unstoppable.

So how do you train your brain? You can read and practice-problem solving of course, but there are a plethora of new and exciting devices available to help you level up your training and target specific areas of your brain that need it.

Watch the video above for my honest reviews of the four best wearables on the market this year.

Related: The Best Nootropics of 2020

Want to understand how your Focus Scores? Take this 60-second quiz now to find out why you’re unable to focus and get more done. And be sure to grab a copy of Angel’s Unstoppable Journal, based on research from the award winning book, Unstoppable.