The best smartphone photos of the year

  News, Rassegna Stampa

Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 49, your guide to the best and Verge-iest stuff in the world. (If you’re new here, welcome, hope you like podcasts, and also you can read all the old editions at the Installer homepage.) 

This week, I’ve been reading about upstart baseball teams and canceled comics and Francis Ford Coppola, watching Logan Lucky, binging Teo Crawford’s camera videos,  listening to The Mess Around and thus rewatching New Girl for the millionth time, trying to plan a trip to the Nintendo Museum this fall, and giving Capacities another whirl since Casey Newton recommended it this week

I also have for you a bunch of new podcasts that all launched this week for some reason, some amazing smartphone photos, a reason to hit the movie theater this weekend, and a new doorbell to replace your old doorbell.

And in the spirit of this unexpectedly podcast-filled week, I have a question: who’s your favorite lesser-known creator? We all know and love Veritasium and MKBHD, but I want to hear about all the ones that deserve just as much shine. YouTube, podcast, Instagram, take your pick — if they’re tech-y and Verge-ish, great, but if not, that’s great, too! Hit me with one or two of your faves that you bet most of us don’t know. I’ll share some of my faves, too.

All right, big week of fun stuff. Let’s go.

(As always, the best part of Installer is your ideas and tips. What do you want to know more about? What awesome tricks do you know that everyone else should? What app should everyone be using? Tell me everything: And if you know someone else who might enjoy Installer, tell them to subscribe here.)

  • The iPhone Photography Awards winners. The IPPA’s photographer of the year shoots on an iPhone 11! These winning photos are always an amazing source of inspiration (and wallpapers, just saying), and it’s particularly cool in this AI-heavy moment to see how awesome photographers still are. 
  • The Hollywood Hack. The Sony hack was 10 years ago, and the whole entertainment business is still feeling the ramifications. Love this pod so far, which is so far roughly equal parts about what happened and what it did to Hollywood. 
  • Blink Twice. Channing Tatum. Playing a tech billionaire. In a murder-y thriller. I’m getting big Glass Onion vibes from this one, and I couldn’t be more excited.
  • Apple Podcasts for web. Apple made a good web app! I kind of still can’t believe it! Apple Podcasts is a great platform, and this goes a long way toward making it feel a little less locked to your specific devices. This plus the automatic transcripts has me genuinely considering switching.
  • OceanXplorers. This NatGeo show feels like a mix of Planet Earth and the scene in every James Bond movie where Bond gets to test out a bunch of wildly futuristic new gadgets. I’m enjoying learning about the high-tech ship and submarines as much as I am seeing the amazing footage they’re capturing.
  • “Flip Video Was Successful! So They Killed It?” I had straight-up forgotten about the Flip camera, and I had no idea how many strange twists and turns this product — and the company that made it — went through. A super fun tech time capsule, this one.
  • The Wirecutter Show. I have been a loyal Wirecutter shopper forever, and the new pod fits the site’s vibe perfectly. Lots of tips and tricks, lots of behind-the-scenes testing stuff — I wound up taking furious notes during both of the first two episodes.
  • Why Everything is a Monopoly… Again.” We’re in a pretty wild antitrust moment, right? This is a brisk, broad look at how it all works and how we got to the point where no matter what you’re doing or using or buying, you’re probably encountering a monopoly. 
  • The Ring Battery Doorbell. Longer battery, easier install, wider frame of video, night vision in color — it’s not a ground-breaking new idea about video doorbells, but it sure looks like a better video doorbell. If only I could convince myself to let me install one…

I talk to Liam James more than just about anybody other than my wife — and honestly, it’s a close call between the two of them. As The Verge’s supervising producer for podcasts, we do a ton of work togetber on The Vergecast, and he’s also just a big giant tech nerd in the best way. He loves to brag about his Plex server, seems to be constantly tweaking his homemade weather station, and recently described a new to-do list app to me as “just OmniFocus for dummies.” What I’m saying is, he is our people.