19:32 Navigating Marketing Evolution: From Digital to AI — Inamoto reflects on the evolution of marketing over the past few decades. Since launching their company in 2016, Inamoto and his partner have focused on helping brands navigate constant change. He highlights the progression from the digital era in the early 2000s to the mobile era post-iPhone in 2008 and the social media era from 2012 to 2022. Now, with the rise of AI, sparked by tools like ChatGPT, he anticipates a similar decade-long transformation from 2022 to 2032 as AI becomes increasingly integrated into mainstream business and marketing practices.
22:53 Advice to CMOs on Adopting AI in Marketing — Inamoto highlights the current challenges and opportunities of AI in marketing. While AI offers exciting new possibilities for creativity and ideation, it remains an unproven area, particularly concerning copyright and legal issues. Inamoto advises brands to experiment with AI in the early stages of creative work but to approach its use in final executions with caution, given the ongoing legal uncertainties surrounding AI tools.
24:20 The Rise and Evolution of the Creator Economy — New technologies have led to the democratization of creativity, like photography and Photoshop that made creative processes more accessible. Inamoto acknowledges that while creators now have powerful tools and platforms to express themselves and promote brands, the role of professional creatives remains distinct. Creators focus on personal expression, while creatives solve specific problems for brands. Despite similarities in output, the underlying intentions differ. Inamoto believes that while creators are valuable for brand promotion, the strategic context provided by creatives is essential for effective brand communication.