Think about the potential of owned customer experience channels as always-on, experiential, 3D, surround-sound brand billboards, and quantify the potential value by multiplying total channel interactions with analogous ratings and CPMs. Start by applying familiar media terms, like reach, frequency and total impressions, to quantify the always-on media value of different channels. Then take it further: What’s the time spent? What’s the overall experience quality, and how does it contribute to the customer’s sense of accomplishment? Moreover, what does a customer recognize as unique to your brand that leaves them with a lasting feeling of delight and affiliation?
It’s often eye-popping to see the media value of every interaction—it makes the case that a media plan is lying dormant in each experience channel. And it begs the question: How does a company apply as much brand insight and creativity to every channel as it does to marketing?
Does your company need a CBO?
Take a holistic view of your customers across your marketing, media and customer experience touch points. What’s the frequency, duration and brand value of each individually? Of customer experience versus marketing touch points?
If you find that the moments that matter most to your customers aren’t limited to your marketing and advertising but also live in your owned channels, then you’ve also identified some brand-building potential and an opportunity to differentiate your experience from your competitors. And that’s when a CBO may be just what your company, your brand and your business really need.