The Void’s new Avengers VR experience lets people control new Iron Man suits

  News, Rassegna Stampa

Avengers: Endgame gave Marvel Cinematic Universe diehards plenty of reasons to not want to be Tony Stark, but that film can’t entirely dispel the fantasy of taking on the Iron Man role. Avengers: Damage Control is a new VR experience from ILMxLAB and Marvel Studios that was produced for The Void, a high-powered virtual reality experience that has also been the platform for Ghostbusters and Star Wars VR experiences. In the new experience, Marvel fans take control of a new suit, which is seemingly inspired by the nanotech Iron Man suits seen in Infinity War and Endgame but designed by Wakanda’s most brilliant engineer, Shuri.

A trailer for Avengers: Damage Control takes players to Wakanda where people are being recruited to pilot new Iron Man suits. They’re a mix between various recognizable Stark designs but with Black Panther aesthetics thrown in. The eyes are narrower, like Black Panther’s mask, and the purple coloring is more inline with Wakanda’s king than with Tony Stark’s gold-and-red standard.

People play in teams of four to test the design and take on a “familiar enemy from the Avengers’ past” that wants to steal the technology, according to a description for the game. Teams must stop the enemy before they “unleash an oppressive new age upon the planet.” There will be appearances from Avengers like Doctor Strange, Wasp, and Ant-Man, alongside others. It’s unclear whether actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Evangeline Lily, and Paul Rudd will reprise those respective roles in the game. But considering it’s a Marvel Studios project, it seems likely that they will.

Avengers: Damage Control will release for a limited time on October 18th. Locations participating in the event can be found on The Void’s website alongside ticket purchases.