These Agencies Prioritized Sending Early-Career Creatives to Cannes

  Creative, Rassegna Stampa, Social

Clean Creatives put out an open call for applications and asked those interested to submit their interest via Google form. Successful applicants prioritized inclusivity and looked at climate change from an intersectional perspective.

“It can be difficult to show up as a young person. We recognized how senior it can feel, how exclusive it can feel,’ said Meisel of the festival.

UK-based talent development organization Digilearning, teamed up with Brixton Finishing School and Lollipop Mentoring to offer a Cannes experience to select people from underrepresented backgrounds. Those that qualified to apply had already completed Digilearning’s professional development courses.

The three organizations covered expenses for those they brought on-site. The experience included event tickets, accommodations, and a daily stipend for food. the organizations helped them set specific goals they could complete while there, and agendas included a session with Teads, a panel about work/life balance, meetings with Accenture leaders and a networking meeting with Trade Desk employees.

It’s always been seen as this elitist [event] that all the leaders go to. We just wanted to make it so much more inclusive,” Digilearning founder Lisa Goodchild told Adweek.

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