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The latest installment of Apple‘s long-running and celebrated “Shot on iPhone” campaign shines a light on the universal expression of dance, through the lens of diverse photographers from around the world.
Showing off the iPhone 14 Pro‘s ability to capture movement in a still shot, “Dance, Shot on iPhone” enlists four photographers to capture a range of dance styles from various cultures. Made in-house, this is one of Apple’s major global campaigns for the year, running across out-of-home and social media.

The campaign kicked off with work from Japanese-American photographer and director Tess Ayano, including black-and-white images of a man in a series of Vogue positions and a contemporary ballet dancer mid-leap.

“I was so impressed by the amount of detail [the phone] captures while it freezes motion,” Ayano said in a statement. “The iPhone 14 Pro beautifully captured every movement even when the dancers were jumping and twirling, and it never missed the details of the elegant silhouettes that the dancers were creating with their bodies.”