This email tracker for Gmail lets you know exactly when people read your messages.
2 min read
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Knowing the moment when people read your texts feels kind of like a superpower. But when it comes to email, we don’t have the same advantage. Unless you have a subscription to Mailcastr, that is.
Mailcastr is an email tracking app for Gmail that allows you to know exactly when your emails are read. You’ll find out with real-time notifications where your readers’ are located, what device they’re using, and when someone clicks on links within your message. And thanks to a dashboard of historical data, you’ll be able to analyze your past messages and make better decisions with your future communication. Oh, and you’ll never have to worry about Mailcastr tracking your activities. Your data is kept private and secure.
The app has a four-and-a-half-star rating on the Chrome Store and a five-star rating on Product Hunt, so people seem to enjoy having this superpower. It’s much better than getting bit by a spider. Plus, it can be a total game-changer for your business.
Usually, a lifetime subscription to Mailcastr would cost you $300, but right now it’s on sale for just $59. That’s an 80% savings. Or get a one-year subscription for $36 that usually runs for $60.