Tubi’s New Brand Campaign Is Proving Popular

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

Parlapiano noted that indifference is the “challenge” in the streaming category.

“Most of our content has very little brand recognition. You might remember the title, but you have no idea where to stream it,” Parlapiano said. “We want you to know our name and remember where you saw something. That recall is pretty much our goal.”

More popular than Old Faithful

To further assist consumers’ and advertisers’ total recall, Tubi and Mischief got hyper-specific with the placement of each individual campaign spot. For example, billboards that compared the size of Tubi’s audiences to the number of New Yorkers (75 million vs. 8 million) mainly appeared in Manhattan during TV upfronts week when advertisers were in town.

“That was really more for trade recognition than consumers,” Parlapiano notes.

On the other hand, a starring role in one of Girl on Couch’s TikTok videos was a consumer play all the way.

“She did a little bit about how Tubi is more popular than all the finance guys in her DMs,” Parlapiano explains. “I don’t think the trade audience knows who Girl on Couch is or that she has a song about finance guys. But consumer audiences that love her and are on TikTok get it. That’s what’s cool about this campaign—we can make everybody feel seen and validated instead of having to go with one message at all times.”

More popular than water fountains

As Tubi’s MAU numbers continue to grow, so will the list of things less popular than Tubi. However, Parlapiano is waiting to see how popular the campaign proves with audiences before greenlighting a second wave of spots.

“We’ll see how it’s being received, and then we can iterate on it over the summer,” she muses. “I’m really excited about this campaign, and there are so many ways for how it evolves. But there are also other priorities that we have over the next six to nine months; after we validate this message, let’s see how it lands.”  

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