Twitter: Here’s How to Hide Replies to a Tweet

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

Twitter began testing this feature earlier in 2019

Twitter recently added the ability for users to hide replies to their tweets. While this doesn’t delete the replies, it moves them to a separate page so that they’re not visible when viewing the original tweet. Our guide will show you how to hide a reply in the Twitter mobile application.

Note: These screenshots were captured in the Twitter app on iOS.

Step 1: Tap the down arrow (“v”) in the top-right corner of the reply you wish to hide.

Step 2: Tap “Hide reply.”

Step 3: If this is the first time you’ve hidden a reply, tap “Hide reply” on the confirmation window that appears.

Once you’ve hidden a reply, Twitter will ask you if you also want to block the user who posted it. You can tap “No” or “Yes, block,” depending on your preference.