Twitter Tweaks Feeds on iOS App

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

In a move reminiscent of when Instagram shifted to an algorithm-based feed in June 2016, the “For You” feed became the default for Twitter on iOS this week.

The social network said in a Twitter Support tweet that the For You and “Following” tabs replace “Home” and “Latest,” and users can swipe between the two feeds.

Twitter attempted a similar shift in February 2016, only to restore its chronological timeline in September 2018.

With this week’s update, Twitter users can swipe left and right between the feeds, rather than having to change their settings under the sparkle icon in the top-right corner of the application.

Elon Musk said in a tweet last month, “Main timeline should allow for an easy sideways swipe between top, latest, trending and topics that you follow. Twitter search nav already sorta does this after you search.”

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