Vergecast: OnePlus 7 Pro review, the White House’s censorship tool, and the streaming wars continue

  News, Rassegna Stampa

This week on The Vergecast, senior reporter Adi Robertson joins the show to discuss a lot of news relating to tech and policy in America, including the White House’s new tool to report censorship on social media and the escalating tariffs between the US and China.

But before we get into all of that, Dieter Bohn leads the show with his OnePlus 7 Pro and Pixel 3A reviews, followed by a new “foldable PC” by Lenovo, and an update on how those 5G tests are doing.

Host Nilay Patel and the crew close the show with the never-ending-but-not-as-extreme-as-a-trade-war streaming wars update.

There’s a whole lot more in between all of that, so listen closely to stay informed.

(Unfortunately, due to breaking gadget news, Paul Miller’s weekly segment “Dongletown, USA” did not air. Instead, it was replaced by “Keyboard in the front club.”)

Stories mentioned on the show this week: