If what you wanted was to interact with a large number of people at the same time, WhatsApp was not the option. Meta‘s messaging platform had a limit of 256 members, which was somewhat limiting. That just changed. Yesterday the messaging app announced that it has increased this number: “One of the main requests we constantly receive is the option to add more people to a chat , so now we are slowly rolling out the ability to add up to 512 people to a chat. group . Building private, safe and secure communities takes work and we believe this series of enhancements will help people and groups stay close to one another.”

The new functionality will be activated gradually in user accounts, so it is possible that you will not be able to use it yet. Although WhatsApp doubled the number, it is still a long way from the 100,000 members you can add on Telegram . In addition, the application reported that you can now send files of up to 2GB’s, a significant increase with the 100 MB’s that it previously allowed.
Finally the application announced that the reactions to messages with emojis have been released with the most recent update: “The reactions are fun, fast and also reduce the overload in the groups. We will continue to improve them by adding an even wider range of expressions in the future.”
WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging package in more than 100 countries around the world. According to Business of Apps , it has more than 2 billion active users, so any improvement in the application is and will always be welcome.