Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users by @MattGSouthern

  Marketing, News, Rassegna Stampa, SEO


A study on why and how people use social networks finds Snapchat makes people happy – Facebook and Twitter not so much.

Snapchat commissioned a study with Murphy Research to better understand how people spend their time on social networks, and how they feel as a result.

Results of the study are broken down into three key findings.

How Social Networks Affect Users’ Moods

According to the study, 95% of Snapchat users say the app makes them feel happy, more than any other app tested.

Facebook and Twitter make users feel anxious, isolated, overwhelmed, lonely, and even depressed.

Instagram primarily creates positive feelings, although it can also make users feel self-conscious.

YouTube is mostly associated with positive feelings, making users feel creative and entertained.

Here is a breakdown of how people reported the way they feel using different apps.

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

How Users Spend Time on Social Networks

The study finds that people use each social network for different reasons:

  • Snapchat is for conversations between close friends, as well as for playing with Filters and Lenses.
  • Twitter is for keeping up with current events or following discussions.
  • YouTube is for learning about new products or topics of interest.
  • Facebook is for keeping up with family and events.
    Instagram is for influencer and celebrity content.

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

When Are People Using Different Social Networks

People use different social networks depending on what they’re doing at the time.

Here is what the study found:

  • Snapchat is most used when on-the-go, with friends, out shopping, and at social events.
  • Facebook is most used at home, while waiting for something, and when unable to sleep.
  • Twitter is most used while commuting.
  • Instagram is most used when hanging out with friends.
  • YouTube is most used at home and when unable to sleep.

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Snapchat Study Finds it Has the Happiest Social Media Users

Results of the study are based on the responses of 1,005 app users aged 13-44.

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