If you can’t share you’re knowledge, you’re not an expert — even if you’ve put in the time.
2 min read
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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Jeff Rose details a time when he completely bombed an interview to become a financial advisor. He details how he let self-doubt get to him even though he considered himself an expert.
Rose points out that while he was knowledgable in the technicalities of financial planning, he was not able to deliver all the information he had learned. This inevitably meant he actually was not an expert, despite the certificates and education he had received.
After this experience, Rose consideed being an expert as doing something that others haven’t. Others who do not have your experience, may be willing to pay a certain cost to hear what you have learned; Rose points to a few bloggers who have done exactly that and made impressive profits.
Some of the steps Rose recommends to become an expert include doing research and studying it, as well as attending conferences to stay current on industry knowledge.
Hear Jeff Rose’s complete list for becoming an expert by clicking on the video.
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