Tag : facebook


Anticipating that 2025 will be an “intense year” requiring rapid innovation, Mark Zuckerberg reportedly announced that Meta would be cutting 5 percent of its workforce—targeting “lowest performers.” Bloomberg reviewed the internal memo explaining the cuts, which was posted to Meta’s internal Workplace forum Tuesday. In it, Zuckerberg confirmed that Meta was shifting its strategy to ..

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TikTokers could also flock to YouTube, which remains one of the most profitable platforms for creators on the planet. But that would surely rile some YouTube users who dislike YouTube Shorts clogging up the homepage. Rather than move to a popular US app, however, many contrarian TikTokers are eyeing other Chinese-owned apps, including ByteDance-owned Lemon8. ..

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La sentenza della Corte Ue sul caso Schrems-facebook “La circostanza che Maximilian Schrems si sia espresso sul suo orientamento sessuale in occasione di una tavola rotonda pubblica non autorizza il gestore di una piattaforma di social network online a trattare altri dati relativi al suo orientamento sessuale ottenuti, se del caso, al di fuori di ..

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Ago 28, 2024 Stefano Silvestri Attacchi, Minacce, News, Phishing, Tecnologia, Vulnerabilità 0 Il phishing è una delle minacce informatiche più diffuse e pericolose che colpiscono utenti e aziende di tutto il mondo. Perché abbia successo, i criminali informatici creano copie perfette di siti web legittimi, inducendo le vittime a credere di trovarsi di fronte a ..

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reader comments 133 On Wednesday, the Supreme Court tossed out claims that the Biden administration coerced social media platforms into censoring users by removing COVID-19 and election-related content. Complaints alleging that high-ranking government officials were censoring conservatives had previously convinced a lower court to order an injunction limiting the Biden administration’s contacts with platforms. But ..

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